Friday, July 12, 2013

Coping with Cancer | Active Treatment

This one's for the  patients who have been diagnosed with an early stage of Cancer, or a type of Cancer that gives them very good odds of survival. These patients are under Active Treatment with the goal of complete Cure.

What are the kinds of stresses that these patients deal with?
  • The kind of stress these patients deal with is different from terminally ill patients or the ones in Palliation.
  • There is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. This is exaggerated by the initial symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pain, etc, and because of the anticipated symptoms like hair-loss, changing body image, etc.
  • The initial visits to the clinic or the hospital and having to look at the other patients who look not so healthy, makes them think that this where they're headed . Whereas, their outcome could be entirely different.
  • The early phase of dealing with the diagnosis and the beginning of treatments is quite overwhelming, and depressing. Like the first shot of Radiation, or Chemotherapy, or being under the knife for the first time can be understandably difficult. Accepting the fact that this has all begun, is necessary, to be able to deal with it.
Cancer Patient
Cancer  Patient